Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Birthday Girl

I cannot believe it--a year has gone by and Lydia is a year old (well, she will be in 6 days--we celebrated early this past weekend. And boy does that kid love cake!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Disturbing television

I was channel surfing as Alex was snoring in his chair tonight, and found a very disturbing show on TLC--TLC used to be one of my favorite channels. Stands for The Learning Channel--used to have some nice vanilla, safe shows, mostly about home improvment, family, home, style, and cooking. Now there is a show on called "Sister Wives"--wants us to believe that a polygamist who is only legally married to one woamn but "spiritually married" (whatever that means) to three others is perfectly okay. Glorifying adultery...great. I don't really want to "Explore the complex daily life of a polygamist family." ANd putting it on a TV channel called "the learning channel" is an insult to my intelligence and my sensibilities. Polygamy isn't mainstream and shouldn't be treated as such.


One of my favorite grandchild memories is when then 3-year old Isabella retrieved her play iron and put it on my face, announcing, "Nan...