Sunday, August 2, 2015

At the center of it all?

Little kingdoms, big kingdoms   Is Christ at the center of all?  Why do we do the things we do?  Why do we help who we help?  Are my prayers right focused?  How can I, with my human heart and my human tendency toward sin hope to keep myself focused on Christ?  Centered on Christ?  How do I block out that human tendency, that human-ness.  My relationships are flawed.  My thinking is flawed.  My intentions are flawed.  Heck, even my prayers are flawed.  Because I am flawed.

It is so hard to stay focused, to push away the selfishness that is me.  To differentiate between what I think is living for Christ, and what is REALLY living for Christ.  I judge others, am alternately too hard or too lenient on my own behavior and intentions, and I really feel I just am not doing enough to further His kingdom and His wishes on this earth.

Prayers are needed...much.

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