Saturday, December 12, 2015


Today was my break day...took a much needed mini-vacation this morning. Yes, it also involved taking the trash and recycling to the dump, but that is only because the dump closed early yesterday and I didn't want two bags of trash percolating in the trunk for 48 hours.  

So after walking four dogs twice, feeding them, and cleaning the kitchen, I left to go visit my darling friend and neighbor, Marianna. She made me eggs and toast, and then took me out for coffee and a muffin. And when you give a Nana a muffin, she is going to want some coffee. When you give her some coffee, she is going to want to talk. And when she talks and talks, she is going to get thirsty and want some water.  

Oops, sorry...that is another story! So, I had coffee and a muffin and a wonderful time with my darling friend. We talked about Scripture and Jesus and discernment.  She helped me regroup and refocus. After coffee, we walked across the street to our favorite little resale store, and I visited with my friend, Melissa, shedding a few tears and exchanging hugs. It was a wonderful little break, but it ended when I noticed a voicemail on my phone from Mom. Another leaky ostomy bag, she was sick, and the nurse was on the way to the house.

Break's over. Back to reality.

I spent the rest of the afternoon and evening doing laundry, making a bed, spot-cleaning the living room carpet, making another trip to the dump, comforting my mom, and sitting in the local ER.  

Tomorrow we are getting pedicures. God willing, that is.  

Anything has got to be better than today.  

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Peace when under fire

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