Friday, January 22, 2016

Snow Day and God's Grace

No I am not attempting to connect these two things into some profound, deeply insightful introspection of grace and snow.They just so happened to occur at exactly the same time. Enjoying one of the best snowfalls in years, 10 inches and still falling. Snowed in completely. Convalesced from a 48 hour stomach virus.  Dogs going out and frolicking through the snow. Birds thankful for the filled feeders.  And so much snow i couldn't go anywhere even if I wanted to.  The only drawback--no family with me here to enjoy it. No daughters or sons in law, no grand babies, not even my husband. Just me and my mom. But I am still loving the quiet, the solitude, the peacefulness of it all. Face booking with friends every now and then, sending videos and photos via social media, just chilling.

Mom is sick in bed, having contracted whatever virus knocked me on my ass for three days earlier this week. She isn't vomiting, thankfully, but Oscar is (Oscar is what we have named her ostomy. ). Last night we caught it in time...I found her nearly passed out sitting on the commode, and went down there to clean her up.  I will spare you the details of that. Suffice it to say it was gross, revolting, and disgusting. But I got her cleaned up and back in bed. Slept fitfully on the couch for a couple hours, then back down there at 8 am. This time I was too late...Oscar had pretty much imploded. All over Mom, the sheets, blankets, everything. Again, will spare the gory details. Cleaned her up again and changed Oscar. Two loads of laundry later, went back to check on her, give her some fluids, and Oscar was dangerously full. So, we maneuvered somehow into the bathroom and I was able to get creative with how to empty him without a poop disaster. Got her back into bed. And continued to pray from this morning. Then it hit me. I only did this because of God's grace. 

I have been so worried and focused on what I cannot do, what I wouldn't be able to do, what there was NO WAY IN HELL I could EVER do. Stressing over how to learn to not just tolerate taking care of her. How to get past the nauseating grossness of her ostomy. And to just serve Him by taking care of my mom and her needs. God's grace has covered me today. And calmed me. 

It amazes me in its completeness, its simplicity, its efficacy, its strength. 

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One of my favorite grandchild memories is when then 3-year old Isabella retrieved her play iron and put it on my face, announcing, "Nan...