Tuesday, June 7, 2016


Kids say the darnedest things.  And our granddaughters say the CUTEST things EVER!  (Or "evuh" if you are Molly)

"Bye girls.  We are driving down to see Pop Pop's parents."

Lydia:  "Pop Pop has parrots!?"

"Molly, lay down on your pillow and go to sleep, sweetie."

"I can't.  I'm a grasshopper.  Grasshoppers don't use pillows."


Isabella:  "Love you, stinky face!"


Lydia and Molly:  "Hey that car has one of those "wee-o, wee-o" things on it"

(the light on top of emergency vehicles...you know, the vehicles that have a siren that goes, "WEE-O, WEE-O, WEE-O")


And then there is the "spicy meatball" craze, started by Pop Pop....here are a couple clips

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One of my favorite grandchild memories is when then 3-year old Isabella retrieved her play iron and put it on my face, announcing, "Nan...