Wednesday, November 28, 2018

A picture is worth...

 ...a thousand noodles...

I had a great day, pretty much--had these long crazy noodles Grandpa made me for lunch--I slurped them up really good, too.  Took a nap, played, went shopping for some headbands, and played outside.  Everything was great.  Until I was running to go show Grandpa my unicorn, and I fell.  I said I was okay but I cried a long time.  My mouth hurt and Grandma carried me home and put ice on it and I cuddled with her for a long time.  
I am glad I had the noodles before this happened.  I hope I feel better tomorrow.  Don't be mad at Grandma, Mommy.  It was an accident.  Oh, and Grandma put special medicine on my mouth and made me my own little bottle of magic oils.  It feels much better now.

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