Saturday, January 1, 2011

Disturbing television

I was channel surfing as Alex was snoring in his chair tonight, and found a very disturbing show on TLC--TLC used to be one of my favorite channels. Stands for The Learning Channel--used to have some nice vanilla, safe shows, mostly about home improvment, family, home, style, and cooking. Now there is a show on called "Sister Wives"--wants us to believe that a polygamist who is only legally married to one woamn but "spiritually married" (whatever that means) to three others is perfectly okay. Glorifying adultery...great. I don't really want to "Explore the complex daily life of a polygamist family." ANd putting it on a TV channel called "the learning channel" is an insult to my intelligence and my sensibilities. Polygamy isn't mainstream and shouldn't be treated as such.

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Peace when under fire

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