Sunday, November 13, 2016

Brotherly Love

Don't you just love it when you read something really simple, and you are like, "yeah, that's right!  That is so simple! Everyone should be doing it that way!  If the whole world did that, like I do, cough, what? Me? Oh, I am supposed to do this too?  I thought it applied to everyone else, not me.  I thought I had this Christian stuff down already. What? Brotherly love? But I'm a woman, so wouldn't it be 'sisterly' love? LOL. ha ha....just kidding. You're not laughing, pastor.  Sigh. Okay. Let me read it again. I'll pay attention this time."

That is how I felt tonight at evening service. We had choir practice, and then we started right into our little short evening service, and did prayer requests and such, sang a couple of hymns of worship, and then Andy read two little verses out of Hebrews--two verses! I mean, what could be so consequential about two verses, 19 words really.

     Let brotherly love continue.  Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers,  for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. (Hebrews 13:1-2)

Okay, first of all, I've got to be honest (it is sort of a requirement to be honest, especially when you have a Bible open under your feet). I sometimes do not even let brotherly love start, let alone let it continue. At least not for everyone. Sometimes I just show that brotherly love towards people I like, or people I agree with, or people who believe the same way I do. It's easier like that. But I am fairly certain that is NOT what Paul (or Christ or the Holy Spirit or even my pastor) meant.   

Second, that hospitality toward strangers? Does He mean inviting people I don't know to my house? So they will know where I live? And see what I have? What if the strangers think I am just trying to impress them? What if they come back and rob me? What if I embarrass them? What if I embarrass myself? What if I cook something they are allergic to? What if they're vegans? Or diabetics? How do I invite these people? On Facebook? Phone? On the street? Text? Is there a dress code? See? These are the crazy things, aka excuses, that go through my mind. My mind is a complex, frightening thing...

So, homework this week is brotherly love towards all, and show hospitality to someone I don't know. Reflect the love of Christ

I am going to bed. I need a good night's sleep.

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