Tuesday, September 5, 2017

A light in the darkness

Food for thought today:  When gloom and darkness overwhelm me  I must open the Word.  Psalm 119 says God's Word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path.   When I'm walking and I don't know where I'm stepping I must open the Word to light the way so I can see the dangers and see the snares. The path of life is full of trouble and joys, blessings, distractions and sorrows, and only the Word can light the way and show us which way we need to go. And not just the Word in the scripture but the Word as in Jesus Christ, who is the Word. He is the way and the truth and the light. He is the Word made flesh. As long as Christ is walking beside me and I am walking WITH him, with the Holy Spirit inside me, His light will light my way.    

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Peace when under fire

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