Sunday, November 7, 2010

Love without ever getting tired...

Continuing with Mother T's seven steps to a holier life, we are already up to step 5!“Do not think that love, in order to be genuine, has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired.” – Mother Teresa

Now, we all get tired, so she did not mean don't get tired. Or don't get tired of each other. Although that would be nice. What she means is do not ever EVER get tired of LOVE, loving one another, sharing God's love. Love does not have to be huge or earth shattering. But it does need to be consistent and constant and true and in line with the Church's principles and teachings.

It is not easy--there are times when it is hard to step outside myself and love someone else, or to see beyond myself or my own interests or selfish needs. Heck, sometimes it is hard to even like myself let alone someone else. But I am going to keep loving without tiring of loving--hopefully in the true spirit of Christ

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