Friday, July 29, 2016

Crazy is as crazy does part 2

glutton for punishment. Someone who habitually takes on burdensome or unpleasant tasks or unreasonable amounts of work.

That is what I feel like this week. I am sure my picture is in the Webster Unabridged Dictionary of Idioms right next to this phrase; soon, my photo will show up on Google whenever someone searches for this term. But of course those who have been following this blog already know that. Many of you have told me this. Or asked me why I keep trying to help someone who obviously wants no help, and why I continue to try to rescue my family members from themselves, when it is obvious they will repeat the same behavior over and over and over and over. Well, folks, you will be relieved and happy to know the circus is almost over, the fat lady has almost finished singing, and the crazy train is leaving the station. Without me in it.  

I recently filed for guardianship of my mom, and have a hearing on Monday morning.  

Mom has been served by the Sheriff, and I have notified both sisters

One of my sisters told me she is picking Mom up Monday, but I have NO idea if she is coming to the hearing.

My mom just revoked the power of attorney and health care POA.

My sister is being duplicitous, deceptive, and secretive, and continues to harangue and bully me via countless texts and phone calls, asking the same question over and over and over...when she already knows the answer. The same sister who begged me to help her time and time and time again.  

I have no pearls of wisdom, or Scriptural contexts, for this post.  I am exhausted emotionally and physically.  

But I know spiritually I will be okay...

Especially after Monday

Monday, July 25, 2016

Two steps forward, three steps back

years ago Alex and I transferred to Florida and helped get my mom and her husband settled in a safe, independent living facility, with the objective of eventually transitioning them to assisted living and even skilled nursing should it be necessary.  

years ago my sister suddenly swooped in to "rescue" them from us and moved them back to Tennessee, undoing all progress.  Mom wanted nothing to do with me.

years ago same sister is blowing up my phone stressed out from the rigors of trying to keep our mother happy.  Seems Mom wanted to move back to Florida--she no longer wanted anything to do with that daughter.

years ago, Mom was driving both of my sisters crazy with unrealistic demands, emergency room visits, falls, surgeries, and abusive phone calls.  Mom wanted my phone number and began calling me to save her.

year ago, Mom's husband died, the bottom fell out of her safety net, and she had no money and nowhere to go.  Alex and I moved her in with us temporarily.  I was the "good" daughter.

months later, it became painfully obvious I could not keep her safe or healthy, let alone happy.  Her doctor referred her to a skilled nursing facility.

days ago, Mom convinced my sister to come take her away from here.  She went on a four day visit back to Tennessee, and came back (albeit probably temporarily) that weekend.

hours ago, Mom threw us out of her room and threatened to call the police if we came back to visit.  

hours ago, I contacted the nursing home and told them while I am still the power of attorney and health care POA, I would perform these duties from a distance to avoid strife.  

minutes ago, God touched my heart with a peace surpassing my feeble understanding.  



It's a numbers game...

Sunday, July 24, 2016


When nothing you say matters

When she is screaming at you to get out

When she threatens to call the sheriff for being there

And she tells the nurse we are no longer allowed even on her floor

When she's convinced you are out to get her,

And she says all you do is lie

When she says you are a thief who had no right to help

When she has you doubting your actions and thoughts

And even your very sanity

You can only lean on the Lord

And trust in Him with all your heart

And lean not on your own understanding

Because none of it makes any sense

Except to God

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Help (not) Wanted

Mom has been back for over a week now after her unscheduled and unannounced trip to Tennessee with my sister--a trip I thought would last far longer than 4 days.  In that short time, she closed her checking account I used to pay her nursing home bill, and became convinced I am a lying, thieving daughter who only wants the worst for her. I haven't heard squat from my sister, and, in fact, don't even know if she is still in Nashville or on Navy Reserve duty in Guam. I am also clueless as to what she and/or my other sister and my mom are planning--staying at the Oaks?  Moving to my sister's? I want to know. I want to help. I want to continue to keep Mom safe, to help her live out the rest of her life in dignity. My help was wanted over a year ago. Now, not so much.

Yesterday, I stopped by to just say "hey." Took her a White Squirrel Latte and a sinfully delicious caramel cinnamon roll. And while I didn't expect hugs and kisses, the speed and rancor with which I was unceremoniously kicked out of her room made my head spin. She accused me of stealing from her, of lying, of never keeping her posted on what is going on. And despite me KNOWING that none of that is true, that Mom has always had serious personality disorders that are now exacerbated by dementia, that we KNEW this would happen, I left confused and hurt, asking myself the same questions I have asked myself for my entire life--what is WRONG with me?  Why does she hate me so much? Why doesn't she appreciate me? Why don't my sisters see how wrong this is?  

I want to keep helping, despite obvious rejection of help. I yearn for understanding, from a woman who has never sought to understand anyone. I seek love and praise from one incapable of giving love or praise. I continue to pursue, to show my love and concern, even though she pushes me away and refuses to reciprocate.  

I am exhausted, emotionally and physically. Spiritually I feel as if I am being attacked, tested, stretched to the breaking point. I have friends praying for me and with me. I attend caregiver support group meetings at our church.  My house is littered with books to provide guidance and insight--"Hope for the Caregiver," "Everyday Prayers," "Desiring God," "Jesus Loves You," "My Utmost for His Highest," and, of course, the Bible. All of it helps, to a point, but there is still so much uncertainty. Uncertainty in many things, but I have assurance in my salvation.  

I'm not perfect--I still worry. But I will, as the psalmist wrote, commit my way to the Lord. I will trust in Him and He will act.  

Saturday, July 16, 2016

A Caregiving Conundrum

A week ago the on duty nurse at the nursing home called me to tell me “your mom is all packed and waiting for you to pick her up.” Puzzled, I asked “what?”, so she repeated it…adding that Mom told her “my daughter is coming to get me.” Ding!  Light bulb clicks on. Must be Mary Beth coming to get her, to “save” her from me and my “POA dictatorship.”  Like in 2013, and 2009.  So, I got in my car to go see Mom, and to find out if there was anything I should (or needed to) do. On the way, I called Mary Beth…yes, she was on her way to take Mom for a vacation for her birthday. Back to her house. No notice to me or the nursing home or anyone else.  Accused me of not wanting Mom to be happy, or not being aware that Mom is not happy. Right. Mary Beth, who has spent about 36 hours with Mom in the past 12 months, asking me, who has been the full time caregiver since June 2015, if I knew Mom was unhappy. Hell, when in the world has Mom EVER been happy?!

Regardless, I tried to talk her out of it, worried about Mom’s health and mental stability if removed from the nursing home.  Wondering if she would even bring her back.  Knowing she will work against everything we have accomplished in the past year…the power of attorney, the finances, the setup at the Oaks, the nursing care. All the work everyone here has done to try to help Mom assimilate to life in a nursing home. All the talk, the pleading, even talking with Mom….fell on deaf ears.  I was rebuffed, hung up on, accused of not caring, and threatened. Mary Beth picked her up, took her to Huddle House, brought her back for the night, and then actually slept in her car with her dog and took Mom out the next morning. All I got was a text “Mom is on a 4 day leave of absence”.  

I feel violated, rejected, shunned, kicked, and punched.  Like a slap in the face, a sucker punch to the stomach…life as I knew it for the past 10 months flipped upside down.  I have spent the last five days trying to verbally, emotionally, and spiritually process it all, the madness, the sheer incongruity of it all.  Spent hours trying NOT to think about it. I am shocked, confused, flabbergasted, dumbfounded, incredulous that this is happening again. That my sister is STILL enabling the crazy misbehavior of our mom.  That she actually thinks I am wrong, and that she has totally forgotten that, less than a year ago, she wanted NOTHING to do with Mom anymore, that she was exhausted, drained, and numb. And that neither she nor Nancy, our other sister, wanted anything to do with taking care of Mom—not financially, not emotionally, and certainly, not physically. So they willingly, with an almost audible sigh of relief, stepped back and let us step in.   

No support at all for the past year.  Just accusations and recriminations.  Not calling me to check on things.  No answer to texts or emails or phone calls or letters.  And now this. Whisking Mom away with no warning, no explanation, no visit.  Taking her to the bank in Tennessee to close her checking account, and change her social security check direct deposit. Not even caring that I have been making sure her nursing home bill gets paid, that I know Mom will squander her meager income if she has access to it, and she will, yet again, not pay her bill there, just like last year, and two years ago, and three years ago. Not remembering how Alex and I helped Mom get back on her feet again, or even caring enough to talk to the nurses, the doctors, the social workers, and the psychiatrists who have been caring for Mom 24/7 for the past 10 months.  

With absolutely no communication for the next four days, I was not even sure she would bring Mom back, and, if she did, for how long.  Unsure of whether I am still the power of attorney, or if Mary Beth is taking on that role.  Then, a curt, brief text at 1:00 am Saturday—“Mom is back at the Oaks.” No other replies, no explanations.  Further queries to her phone ignored.  

So now I sit here, still processing, still angry, confused, sad, and hurt. The advice of friends and family and the nursing home staff ringing in my ears, repeating over and over like a broken record, “step back,” “you are too hands on,” “just let it go and teach them all a lesson,” “you knew this would happen,” “quit trying to save someone who doesn’t want to be saved,” and “you did your best,” “let God take care of it, maybe He is giving you a break,”  and “you should have known!” I know all that, in my head, but I stubbornly want to be understood, agreed with, supported…not by my mother—but by others. But I am so hurt, so devastated by this absolute rejection of my love and help that I cannot stop thinking about it, cannot stop the sadness or the tears. I want to let it go, to take the great advice folks are giving me.  I want to be cavalier about it all, take the “c'est la vie” attitude, and to just “roll with it.”  

Everyone’s advice sounds so common sense, so natural, so easy, so right…so why is it so hard for me? Am I just trying to control everything? Am I not trusting God to take care of it? Am I wrong? Should I just give up and quit? Call it a day?  Shouldn’t I be satisfied that I gave it a good try, that I did what God wanted me to do?  Should I just “let go and let God?”  

Hmmm....quite a conundrum....

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Time flies!

Seems like just yesterday Alex and I were counting down the days for the Stock family to arrive in the states for their six-month visit, after 3 years overseas, and prior to leaving again for 5 more years. January couldn't come soon enough, and we felt like their inevitable return in July was light years away.  We fantasized about all the things we would do, all the places we'd go, the memories we would create, and reveled in the anticipation of basking in all that free time with our beautiful granddaughters and their awesome parents. 

Then, right before Christmas, our lives were made so much more complicated, so stressful.  Alex's parents' health declined quickly--his mom had a heart attack, then had colon cancer, another heart attack, and months in rehab.  His dad, in stage 5 of Parkinson's, deteriorated quickly to the point of having to be placed in hospice.  And my mom's health spiraled out of control so quickly she too needed to be placed in a nursing home.  We began to despair, and our hopes of spending any quality time with our precious family plummeted.  Now the July departure date seemed to loom even closer. 

Enter God's grace...and His perfect timing.

He showed us His divine plan, that despite all these emergencies, and a finite amount of time, our lives would be so full of joy and memories that we would scarcely comprehend how we experienced so many things in six short months.   Having said our final goodbyes to Brian, Mandy, Lydia, Molly and Isabella just two days ago, knowing we will not see them again for another 18 months, I am overwhelmed with joy and happiness, albeit tinged with sorrow.  As I was sorting and organizing my photos from the past six months, creating albums on my computer, I realized how much we did together since January, and we STILL managed to rejoice over the birth of a new granddaughter (in Missouri), be caregivers for three very sick parents, plant gardens, visit friends, volunteer for a shelter, and become members of a new and wonderful church family. 

I have no regrets, no bitterness, and I do not focus on what we did not accomplish, or how short the time has been.  I am amazed and thankful for the abundant blessings God has so graciously bestowed on us so far this year. 

As for the times with the Stocks, here is a photo journal of what we have experienced over the past six months...
made sand angels and snow men

visited a magical place and made new friends


became princesses...


met Sophie

went to festivals and parades

played at the park and in the river

.. in our new fort and in the sprinkler
spent time with grandparents 

celebrated birthdays
walked under a waterfall and picked Easter candy from our treehouse

had S'mores and ice cream

ate watermelon in our underwear, BBQ at church, and pizza out of the box...

danced and danced and danced
went to a pet shop, held baby birds and lizards, and watched a tortoise eat

made memories and laughed and gave glory to God


...and we can hardly wait to see everyone again!

Wow!  All that in just six months!  

Peace when under fire

Peace--vertical and horizontal. So often I have thought of peace as merely peace within myself, peace with myself, peace in me. While that p...