Tuesday, September 20, 2016

A Day with Grandma...and Poop

Well today was a busy day for us--first I climbed on Grandma and made her laugh like Ernie. You can see that video here (Ernie giggle video)  Then I ate carrots for the first time and mommy recorded the moment.  She records every moment.  Sigh, the life of a photographer's daughter.

Anyway, after a breakfast of carrots and milk, we ran a lot of errands, which meant sitting in my car seat and listening to grandma sing silly songs while mommy kept disappearing into different places and then coming back out and driving somewhere else.  We also went to the PX, which is a big building where mommies and grandmas buy things for us babies. Then we met daddy for lunch and I pooped so he could spend time with me changing my diaper.  It was stinky.  But he doesn't care because I am so cute. 

On the way home I fell asleep in the car, and Mommy put me in my crib so I could finish my nap...I finished it in 10 minutes. Since Mommy had to take one of the doggies to the doggy doctor, Grandma watched me...and fed me carrots...and played Little Rabbit Fu Fu with my stuffed animals for me. She is so silly! She makes me laugh. When Mommy came home again, we went on another car ride, this time to buy food and more things for me (of course). I fell asleep in the car again, Mommy put me in my crib when we got home, but I woke up again--this time with a diaper full of poop for Grandma. She didn't mind, either--because I am so cute. She says I am so stinking cute, but I am not sure if that means because of my poopy or what. Oh well.  I am cute.  I will just have to live with it.  

After that poopy change, Grandma fed me carrots again, then a bottle, and then we played till Daddy got home. Daddy kept trying to come get me and hold me, but Mommy had lots of chores for him to do, so he kept going back outside.  I was a little sad, but I had Grandma to play with, so it was okay. She doesn't like it when I am sad, so she does funny things to make me laugh, and she wears shorts with long strings on them--I like them. She picks me up a lot and kisses me all the time. But finally Daddy came in and played with me, and threw me up in the air and made me laugh. And made Mommy and Grandma really nervous. 

Next they ate dinner and I sat in my high chair and drank my bottle, and made funny noises for them. After dinner, Grandma and Mommy noticed something brown on my tummy, and they were confused, because I didn't have carrots--just milk. But then they saw my diaper was broken...there was poop everywhere. Mommy had to wash my high chair real good, and Daddy had to use about 10 wipes on me and then give me a long bath. I had a lot of fun. I felt much better after that big poop. I don't think they will give me carrots three times in one day again.  

All that pooping tired me out. So I went to bed. Good night Sophie fans everywhere!  See you next time!

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