Sunday, January 10, 2016

From bad to better to worse

Today started out badly, with a migraine for the third day in a row. And it's too soon to take my migraine medicine. But Alex helped by helping me stretch and rubbing my head. He made me strong coffee and we had breakfast. 

The day was looking more promising despite a light mist outside. 

We went downtown and did a few things then came home and had lunch. He started dinner and I started a batch of goetta. Mom was up and not being mean. Alex agreed to take recycling and go buy lottery tickets.

The day seemed to be getting progressively better. Despite the mist now being a drizzle.

I went over to my neighbor's house and had a nice visit. Alex met me there and we went home to have that delicious chili he'd made. Mom had two bowls of it! She and Alex did shots of rum and moonshine. Everyone was happy. And full. And gassy.

The day was definitely shaping up to be a good one even with more rain. 

We all relaxed and did our own thing. Mom went to bed. We stayed up and were just getting ready to go to bed ourselves when we heard mom's stairlift come on.  What? She's coming up here at almost midnight? Oh no...could it be a...


Certainly was. Mom said she guessed I didn't hear her hollering. Um, mom, you turned off your monitor, remember? Oh I guess I did, says Mom. She said she'd tried for 30 minutes to change it.  I reminded her she must get on a schedule before the home health service expires in two weeks.  She agrees.  Says it at least it lasted since Monday. I guess she forgot how she told me she changed it all by herself on Thursday. Even though there was no ostomy trash. I knew she hadn't. But I just let it go.

This day has deteriorated. It's nasty outside. 

 I call the home health nurse at midnight.   We have to wait about 45 minutes. Alex makes Mom's bed and I go in and get ours ready and find one of the dogs has peed on the bed. Through the mattress cover. I have to wash sheets and we cannot sleep in our own bed. Alex and I argue. I cry. I realize I am going to have to learn to deal with helping her with her ostomy care. Despite all my squeamishness. 

The day is not ending very well.

I should have stayed in bed this morning. I could have averted all this.

It stopped raining.  

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