Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Anger begets anger

Got in a verbal fight with my mom tonight. Got so upset and so hurt that I lashed back. Angry words, angry gestures, angry actions. Not pretty. Not productive. Not helpful. Not loving. Definitely not Christian behavior. Doesn't matter what started it.  

Why do I still seek her approval and her love? Or anyone else's for that matter? The only one whose approval I should seek is that of God...and He has already redeemed me, and is still sanctifying me through the work of His Holy Spirit. As long as I am being sanctified with His grace, to do His work, I should need no others.  

There are books and programs that will try to decipher and decode the complicated mother-daughter relationship.   

There are plenty of doctors and psychologists who want to put labels on anti-social behavior.  

Pharmaceutical companies are constantly marketing the newest antidote to whatever ails our body, our psyche, our emotions, on TV, the internet, and radio. Convincing us we are in control of our bodies, our lives, and that all we need is the right pill to fix any ills.  

There is only one Book to follow.  

Only One I need to please.

And I cannot do it alone.

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