Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Another day, another leak

Today I decided to escape for a while, so after letting all the dogs out twice, I left to go volunteer at my little store downtown for a few hours, and left Mom a note to call if she needed me. She did, but not until about 3 pm--asked me if I would pick up her prescription for her. Seems she is too scared to drive after all...

Anyway, Dr. Jekyll was back today--nice as pie, acting as if nothing happened.  I should be used to this after 60 years of it, but it still takes me by surprise, this one minute mad, the next minute nonchalant--it is unnerving how there is no rhyme or reason or pattern to the mood shifts. No, more than mood shifts. It is as if one person leaves, and the other comes in her place. There is no warning, no forecast of cloudy is just BOOM! 

I think I could handle it much better if it was always one or the other. But this uncertainty, the sheer unpredictability of her moods--it is madness. Sheer madness. We went out to eat, and it was as if we were a normal mother and daughter. No talk of the blow up yesterday.

Then her ostomy started leaking on the way home. Poop everywhere. Had to call the home health agency at 9:00 at night. Walked all the dogs out a couple times. Then had to reset a circuit breaker so I could do laundry.

I think I am developing an ulcer.

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