Monday, May 16, 2011

Sorry, Daddy--we didn't win

Well, the results are final...Nammy and I did not win the 2011 Honda Fit, or the $1000, a TV, a recliner, or any of the gift certificates (Nammy said I could have the car if she won.) Oh well. Better luck next year! Guess Daddy will have to drive his Honda for another 250,000 miles!

Here is a super picture though of me, Daddy, and Mommy with Quacky,taken a week before the race

...and a picture of me and Nammy at the event--yes, my face is a bit messy from my fruit smoothy, and yes, Nammy has her mouth open and looks like she is going to bite my ear, but we really are having fun here.

More posts later...

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Peace when under fire

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